Does hard water really create any problems for the homeowner?
Hard water can be a very costly addition to your home primarily because it leaves a residue called hard water scale on all washable surfaces.
Over a period of time, hard water scale can clog your plumbing which eventually reduces water pressure. It damages water heaters, dishwashers, washing machines, coffee makers and virtually all appliances through which water passes. This scale leaves spots or streaks on dishes and glassware, and dulls the look of clothing, floors, sinks, tubs, and even hair.
Corrosion often occurs because of highly acidic water that gradually eats away pipes, appliances, heaters, boilers and air-conditioning units.
Water Softeners are designed to soften water so that it washes brighter, rinses cleaner and feels much better.
High TDS indicates Hard water, which causes scale buildup in pipes and valves, inhibiting performance. Since TDS is related to water hardness, using a TDS meter can be your first step in determining the degree of hardness of the water. Generally speaking, the higher the level of TDS (ppm), the higher the degree of hardness.
Water hardness is typically reported in grains per gallon, milligrams per liter (mg/l) or parts per million (ppm). One grain of hardness equals approximately 17.1 ppm (mg/L) in TDS. Note that since TDS includes hard solids and soft solids, 17 ppm does not necessarily equal 1 grain of hardness.